Čeština English (UK)

autorka ~ vetešnice ~ půdoznalkyně

author ~ antiquary ~ attic epicure



I was born (July 29th, 1985) in Moravia region (Mohelnice) as the first of three descendants of the historian, graphic designer and publicist Ctirad Štipl (1943 – 2016) and the high school teacher Zuzana Štiplová. Since 2007 I live in Prague (Czech Republic). In the past, I have gone through many jobs and places, publicly as well as nonpublicly known.

You may remember me as a journalist, television reporter, event manager, creator of several photo exhibitions or author of autobiographical book called “Zmrzlina s příchutí záměru“ (Intention-Flavored Ice Cream, decadent memoirs). Or probably you may not know me at all, which is maybe the best option at this time.

In the past few years I have been focusing on antiques, flea markets, heritage work (collecting and saving vintage treasures), exploring the Czech country beauties, the improvement of my surroundings and the gradual preparation of some few other realizations. I also love to cook and spend my free time practicing active surrealism.